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Marimba Mallets Nuno Aroso General Series 5 Hard Yellow Two Pairs (4 mallets) | Percustudio -  Where your heart beats 0
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Marimba Mallets Nuno Aroso General Series 5 Hard Yellow Two Pairs (4 mallets)

Reference: BAQENAAM
Brand: ELITE
€ 98.00
VAT included
This signature series by Nuno Aroso is an amazingly balanced all terrain, mallets series. Very versatile, this mallets stands for the amazing deepness and sound projection since the first contact with the bar independently if the hardness of the model. This series has been designed by professor and percussion soloist Nuno Aroso together with Elite Mallets.
Termoplastic interior head with different silicone rings to offer brilliant sound in medium and hard models, and powerful in lowest part of the instrument with soft models 1 & 2.
In between the different models in the series, the mallets have porpusly a different weight balance. Numbers 1 and 2 are heavier, with a great sound projection and an exceptional result in lowest part of the instrument, and numbers 3, 4 and 5 have a lighter and brighter character, altho because of the material inside, they offer a sound with great presence and projection. Because their plastic head, the softer models respond correctly when they play even on the fourth octave of the instrument (specially number 2). The models 3, 4 offer an exceptional possibility in all the instrument and the model hard number 5 is a different proposal than the usual concept thought for hard mallets, it´s a powerful model, and with a good control of attack, not at all aggressive with the instrument. The Nuno Aroso signature series are meant to be the choice the percusionist who looks for great sound quality, projection and versatility both in chamber music or solo performances.
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Delivery time: 5 business days


Wooden Shaft 38 cm. Rattan Shaft: 38.5 cm + 6€ only under order. Weight: 37/38 grs. 5 Hard Yellow. Thermoplastic and bigger interior head, hard model with a very big sound. Really brilliant in high part of the instrument. Although it is a hard model, it is heavier reference than numbers 3 & 4. The handle is also manufactured with handles a little bit shorter than the IS and ELITE MALLETS series It is a model we would specifically recommend. Available: 1 Sof Red; 2 Medium-Soft Blue; 3 Medium Green; 4 Medium-Hard Cinza; 5 Hard Yellow.
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