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Moderate Ride 20" | Percustudio -  Where your heart beats 0
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Moderate Ride 20"

Reference: MR20
€ 224.00
VAT included
The hand-made quality of the Moderate Set cymbals is superb. Produced with the all-around player in mind, these cymbals are cast with the same superior alloy as all other series, (unlike box sets from other cymbal manufacturers who downgrade by using cheaper alloys). Moderate Set cymbals are hand-hammered, hand-lathed & hand-polished to a brilliant finish. 
Note When you play on the Ride cymbal, the sound is silky-smooth, and blazes with a dark intensity. The hi-hats, a heavy bottom cymbal combined with a lighter top cymbal, are carefully selected and timbre-tested to match the ride cymbal perfectly. The crashes are fast & explosive. Check them out, and you’ll be delighted!
Fine & silvery sound. Great blend of spread & shimmer.
Sensitive cymbal with brilliant over-tones.
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Moderate Cymbals Ride
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