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Multipercussion Mallets Jabi Alonso Series 2 Medium-Hard Grey Pair (2 mallets) | Percustudio -  Where your heart beats 0
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Multipercussion Mallets Jabi Alonso Series 2 Medium-Hard Grey Pair (2 mallets)

Reference: BAQEMJAC
Brand: ELITE
€ 58.00
VAT included
ELITE MALLETS proposes you a new idea designed in colaboration with our percussionist friend Jabi Alonso, a new concept of powerful sound for playing multipercussion pieces with big toms and big instruments. Jabi Alonso is a concert artist for contemporary music, and he teaches at Musikene Conservatory in San Sebastian.
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2 Medium-Hard Grey. Bamboo shaft +/- 35 cm. Diameter: +/- 11 mm. Head: same termoplastic as MT4. Sound: more attacked. Weight: +/- 33-35 gr. Medium hard model to offer you a new possibility for playing multipercussion pieces with big toms and big instruments, model with bigger attack than number 1. A new feeling with really large sounds and with an exceptional balance. Availabe: 1 Soft Green; 2 Medium-Hard Grey; 3 Hard Black; 4 Very Hard Yellow.
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