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Marimba Mallets Standard Warmer Attack MWA Series MWA0 Very Soft Violett Two Pairs (4 mallets) | Percustudio -  Where your heart beats 0
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Marimba Mallets Standard Warmer Attack MWA Series MWA0 Very Soft Violett Two Pairs (4 mallets)

Reference: BAQISMWA0
€ 61.00
VAT included
Interior head is made with rubber in different densities. This series is thought for a very general use, for beginners and medium level players. Models Mwa2 y Mwa3 are very recommended to start to play marimba, they sound correctly in all range of the instrument.
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Wooden shaft 39 cm. Rattan Shaft: 38,5 cm +6€ under order only. Weight 37-38 grs. Rubber interior head, very soft and rounder sound, with an African character, very deep in lowest part of the instrument. Wool tension: normal. Warmer Attack MWA0 Very Soft Violett. Available: MWA0 Very Soft Violett; MWA1 Soft Red; MWA2 Medium-Soft Blue; MWA3 Medium Green; MWA4 Medium Hard Grey; MWA5 Hard Black.
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